Updates avaiable on my latest pulgins at http://www.zeta.org.au/~sdsimon/EV.html
Anything Denoted by an * is currently undeveloped or uncertain. These may or may not be actually implemented.
History: (As of 4/7/96)
LBE#1 (Currently Version 1.0.2)
Facilitates the beginning of the young Outfitter company, LBE Enterpises as they attempt to make their mark through the production of new weapons and ships.
Adds 5 new weapons
Proton Repeater (ID=153)
Plasma Turret (ID=154)
Spearheads (ID=155)
Caltrops (ID=156)
Chaff (ID=157)
Adds 1 new ship
LBE Enterprise 'Cobra' Strike-Bomber (ID=154)
Plus numerous oütf, PICT, STR#, spïn, dësc and snd resources
LBE#2 (Currently Version 1.0.1)
Sees the establishment of LBE Enterprises as a succesful company as they erect their first space assembly station geared towards the production of more weapons and ships.
Adds 3 new weapons
Protector Launchers
Hornet Missiles
Scatter Gun
Adds 1 new ship
Protectors (Not for sale as player ship)
Adds 1 new stellar object
LBE Assembly Station
Adds 1 new governemnt
LBE Enterprises
Adds some new missions
Deliver equipment, escort freighters plus a couple of special missions
Plus a number of other little items
LBE#3 (Under development)
In the third installment, a rival shadow company has evolved and stolen some of LBE's designs for new weapons and ships.
Adds 1 new governemnt
Shadow Enterprises
Adds 1* new weapon
Pulse Canon
Adds 1* new stellar object
Shadow Assembly Base
Adds 2 new ships
Scimitar Medium-Fighter
Venus Assault-ship
Adds several* missions
Infiltrate shadow enterprises, plant spy, defend LBE station etc.
Trident (Currently in design phase)
The follow-up to the LBE Trilogy will be big, dramatic and involve many new worlds to explore.